Virtual Literature & Arts Events

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | May 29, 2020
Ringwald Theatre Virtual Arts Events In the D

Promotional poster for Whatever, Baby Jane! Photo courtesy of The Ringwald Theatre.

Whether it’s theatre, writing, or painting, it’s important to support your local arts community. Right now, there are many artists that are struggling to keep their career afloat despite creating new pieces of work every day. It’s tough to market and sell artwork or get people into a theatre when businesses remain closed in some capacity for the time being.

If you’d like to support the Detroit arts community, there are plenty of ways you can do so virtually. From virtual stage plays to author Q&As, check out some of the virtual literature and arts events below.

The Ringwald Fundraiser

Ferndale’s Ringwald Theatre is holding a virtual fundraiser in lieu of a normal theatre season with proper ticket sales. Make a donation to the theatre and receive digital access to their 2014 parody of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Those who donate will be able to watch their parody, Whatever, Baby Jane!, in color, monochrome, or with commentary from Joe Bailey (Baby Jane Hudson) and Richard Payton (Blanche Hudson). 

Virtual Cocktail Hour w/ Children’s Book Author

Detroit Writing Room is hosting a virtual cocktail hour with children’s book author Bonnie Clark on Tuesday, June 9 from 7-8 p.m. Clark is the author of Taste Your Words, a book that teaches children the power of words. She will be reading excerpts from the book and taking questions from the audience via Zoom. There is a “virtual cover charge” of $5 and those who purchase a ticket will be sent a Zoom link the morning of the event.

Palmer Park “Virtually Real” Art Fair

Palmer Park Art Fair Donald Calloway In the D

Signs just like this one will be on display at Palmer Park June 6-7. Photo courtesy of Integrity Shows.

The annual Palmer Park Art Fair had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but they are still doing things to support their local artists and authors throughout the month of June. The Art Fair itself will be June 6-7. Displays will be set up in the park for people to check out at their leisure. Each display will have more information about the artists and how to contact them. You can also donate to or buy posters from artists or support Detroit authors and young artists through the Mint Artists Guild.

The Writer’s Block Podcast

Hosted by Sarah Wilder, The Writer’s Block podcast is livestreaming its season one finale on Wednesday, June 3 at 8 p.m. The podcast features Wilder and her guests as they read sketches, excerpts from plays and screenplays that they or their friends have written. You can catch up on previous episodes on the Planet Ant YouTube channel or Facebook page.

Virtual Night of Poetry

The Boston Tea Room in Ferndale is hosting a free, virtual night of poetry on Friday, June 12 at 6:30 p.m. using the video platform Zoom. A selection of poets from the Detroit area will be reading original poems inspired by the theme of magic. The event is free, but you must register with an email address in order to receive the Zoom link.