Gift Giving: Do-It-Yourself this Christmas!

By: Kate Chidester | December 24, 2012
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Over the years, the countless hours I have spent agonizing over the perfect gifts for my family and friends is frankly, quite ridiculous. Not only has this affected my overall quality of life during the festive holiday season, it has also affected my bank account in an unpleasant way.

This year is different; I have chosen the “Do-It-Yourself” route. What’s more perfect and heartfelt than a homemade, handcrafted gift? If you’re planning to insert the “I’m not creative” or “nobody wants some junk I made” excuses right now, please allow me to stop you in your tracks.

Your loved ones are probably already aware that you are no Pablo Picasso, and they could likely care less. The fact that you actually took the time to configure something out of paint, clay, wood, crayons, fabric, etc. is surely going to tug at their heart strings the minute they unwrap said gift.

Think about your best friend and the countless memories the two of you have made together. A scrapbook of pictures documenting these fantastic times would be magical! Maybe your mom loves to cook… how about constructing a recipe box, or putting together a cookbook with all of the delicious recipes she might love to whip up?

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If you need some help churning up clever DIY gift ideas, might I suggest a brilliant little website called Pinterest? For those of you who haven’t quite caught on to the “pinning” craze, please check it out. I could go on for hours about my love for this site but I will refrain. Just know there is a category dedicated to DIY & Crafts waiting for you to browse!

Perhaps you don’t have the time or desire to scan through a website until your eyes start to cross. In that case, visit stores such as Michaels, Joann Fabrics, or my personal favorite, Hobby Lobby, to get your creative juices flowing.

At the end of the day it’s the thought that counts! So don’t be afraid to test the DIY gift waters this holiday season. At the very least, your bank account will thank you.