Watch These Detroit Based Scary Movies This Halloween

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | October 4, 2017
In the D placeholder image

We all know that the metro Detroit area has been the home of some of Hollywood’s biggest movies. The “Transformers” series, “8 Mile,” “RoboCop,” and “Gran Torino” all filmed in Detroit, with many of those films also having the Motor City as their setting.

The calendar has turned to October which means it’s time to start getting in the horror mood, and we thought it’d be fun to showcase horror movies that were either filmed or set in metro Detroit. So turn out the lights and grab a blanket to hide under when you watch these Detroit inspired horror movies.

It Follows

Directed by Detroit area native David Robert Mitchell, “It Follows” was a hit with horror fans back in 2015 when it earned over $18 million against a $2 million budget. The Detroit location was vital to the film’s success and used notable Detroit locations and streets, which adds to the eeriness for metro Detroiters. Locations you’ll probably recognize include the Packard Auto Plant, Redford Theater, Clawson High School, and the Northville Psychiatric Hospital.

Don’t Breathe

Another recent horror movie that used the Detroit locale to scary effect was the 2016 smash hit, “Don’t Breathe.” The movie made over $155 million worldwide against a $10 million dollar budget and received rave reviews. The movie is set in Detroit, and while most of the film’s indoor scenes were filmed in Hungary, many exterior shots are of the Motor City.

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The Evil Dead

We highlighted “The Evil Dead” a couple months back, and it’s no secret that the film has some strong metro Detroit ties. Director Sam Raimi and star Bruce Campbell are Royal Oak natives, and while most of the film was shot in Tennessee, many of the film’s reshoots were done in Royal Oak. “The Evil Dead” is a bonafide horror classic with a strong cult following and ties to the metro Detroit area.

Scream 4

The “Scream” series is one of the most popular horror franchises in Hollywood, but you might not have known that the film has some ties to metro Detroit. The fourth installment was filmed in the Ann Arbor area in 2010 before its release in April 2011. If you are familiar with the area, you might notice some streets and buildings, but the film strayed away from anything too noticeable so it could pass as the fictional Woodsboro. “Scream 4” didn’t make a ton of money and was moderately received by critics and fans, but it could make for a fun horror movie for Ann Arborites this Halloween.  

The Crow

While “The Crow” isn’t your typical horror movie, the film’s dark and creepy atmosphere make for a different type of action/horror movie. The film has a strong cult following and was a modest size hit in the mid-1990s, but it has a special place in the hearts of Detroit film fans. The movie wasn’t filmed in Detroit, however the plot of the movie takes place in Detroit. So while you might not see specific metro Detroit buildings, you can still have fun seeing how the filmmakers depict Detroit in a horror setting.