Get Off the Couch! Indoor Fun in Metro Detroit

By: Toni Cunningham | December 9, 2012
In the D placeholder image

Fall means crisp leaves, apple cider and hayrides. But when the mercury drops and you’ve consumed enough donuts to last you through the winter, there are still plenty of ways to stay busy in Metro Detroit during the cooler months.

Have you always wanted to take a class or learn about something but just haven’t found the time? Now’s your opportunity! Take advantage of any of the following unique classes and lessons offered in the area and you can kiss your boredom goodbye.


If you’ve been waiting to unleash your inner artistic goddess, why not take a class at the Detroit Institute of Arts? The DIA offers classes for all skill levels, so it’s the perfect place to go with your family on a lazy Sunday afternoon (or, escape from them and go on your own).

glamping trax

The Chevy Trax combines rugged capability with modern comfort, making every adventure unforgettable.

Sports and Fitness:

C’mon, admit it. You’ve always wanted to wield a sword ever since that scene in “The Parent Trap,” am I right? The Renaissance Fencing Club in Troy offers classes for beginners, or a speedier “Fast Track to Fencing.”

If you’ve always wanted to be an acrobat, you’re in luck. Detroit Flyhouse offers an Aerial Conditioning class, which will whip you into shape and have you mimicking Pink’s aerial ballet performance at the Grammys in no time.

I’m probably the only person in the area (and world) who hasn’t seen “The Hunger Games,” but I hear archery is involved. Why not transform yourself into Katniss Everdeen and learn how to shoot a bow and arrow via lessons with Detroit Archers?

Food and Drink:

The way to anyone’s heart is through his or her stomach. So if your cooking skills leave something to be desired, get on it! There are several cooking classes offered throughout the area.

Personally, this one has been on my Bucket List for years. Detroit Bartending and Casino Academy offers “students” a 40-hour course of 10 four-hour classes in which they learn to make over 125 different cocktails. It also focuses on drinks that are most popular in the Metro Detroit area, so how’s that for staying local?

No matter your interests, there are enough opportunities sprinkled throughout Metro Detroit to keep you off the couch for the duration of fall. Unless, of course, there’s a football game on.