Get Your Kids Back to School Ready!

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | August 26, 2012
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Summer is fading fast… Whether we want to admit it or not, the evenings are taking on that cool crisp feeling that hints of fall. With fall comes the start of a new school year. Whether you are a newbie with a Kindergartener or a veteran with a senior in high school, now is the time to start your battle plan for the upcoming school year. Here are some helpful hints to start your school year off right!

Prepare your family for the new school year time schedule.

With shorter days packed with homework and activities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and get lost in the everyday hustle and bustle once the school year starts. Therefore, now is the best time to get yourself and your family assimilated to the new schedule.

  • Earlier to bed, earlier to rise… Don’t wait until right before school starts to try and change your kids’ sleeping schedules. Start now by getting the kids to bed earlier each night and waking them up 10 minutes earlier each morning. By the first day of school, you will have reached your desired sleep routine.
  • Create a centralized family calendar. Color-coding by family member makes this a one stop shop for family time management.
  • Set up a routine to keep mornings from being overly hectic. Get prepared the night before by having your kids lay out their clothes for the next day, packing lunches, briefcases and backpacks and getting coats and shoes ready and waiting by the door. These little things can save you loads of time in the morning.

Get ready for the back to school shopping!

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As every parent knows, there is the dreaded back to school shopping list. Though many schools send out letters with the recommended items, parents can still find themselves in murky waters when treading the local stores for back to school deals.

  • Crayons, pencils, new clothes… check. Know what you need and write it down. By creating a list of needed items, you will feel more organized and prepared to shop.
  • Take stock of school supplies that you have and those you need to buy. How is the backpack from last year holding up? Are there any pencils, crayons or highlighters that still work and are in good condition?  Add whatever you need to that handy dandy shopping list.
  • Take an afternoon and look through your kids’ closets and drawers. For their outgrown items, hand them down to a younger sibling, pack them away or donate them. Then add needed items to your list.
  • Search out coupons and store sales. This is the time for back to school sales. We see them starting right after July 4th and grumble that summer is not nearly over. However, the truth is, by shopping early; you can get some great deals. Check out the internet and circulars for stores and compare prices on items you need.

No matter how much we all want summer vacation to go on forever, now is the time to start getting prepared. Happy First Day of School to you all!