4 Locally-Inspired Friendsgiving Dish Ideas

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | November 18, 2016
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Friendsgiving: an annual holiday for many close friends looking for an excuse to get together and eat a lot of food, free of family obligations. It’s tradition for many circles of friends and for some it completely takes the place of Thanksgiving all together. Whatever your excuse is for being around the people you love, eating the food you love, metro Detroit has plenty of places to help you with your upcoming Friendsgiving meal.

Everything Bagel Stuffing

Stuffing is a classic side dish in a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but why not substitute the breading for something with a little extra flair? A great substitute is an “Everything” bagel. typically coated in salt, garlic, onions and seeds, the Everything bagel is loaded with flavor. Some local bagel shops we recommend include:

Pumpkin Rolls

Pumpkin rolls are a delicious, sugary dessert that, obviously due to its name, are traditionally enjoyed during the fall season along with things pumpkin-flavored. Using a combination of sugars, spices, canned pumpkin, cream cheese and more, a pumpkin roll is a perfect dessert at your friendsgiving event. If the culinary arts are not your strong suite, here are some local bakeries that sell ready-made pumpkin rolls:

Cider-Glazed Brussels Sprouts and Bacon

Brussels sprouts and bacon sound like a great combination for a Thanksgiving side dish made even better with a cider glaze. There is no shortage of cider mills in Michigan, so look no further than your local mill to procure the cider needed to make the glaze. Here’s a recipe to follow.

loading golf clubs in a blazer

Whether you're gearing up for a weekend trip or headed to the green, the Chevy Blazer offers the perfect blend of style, space, and performance to meet your needs.

Kibbutz Salad

Also known as Israeli Salad, Arab Salad and Palestinian Salad, Kibbutz Salad is a mixture of several vegetables, which include tomato, cucumber, onions, parsley and bell or chili peppers. Thankfully, these are all ingredients you can find in the fresh produce section of your local grocery store/market. A few local suggestions include:

With so many different options for Friendsgiving dishes, it’s good to be creative. And if time isn’t on your side or you weren’t blessed by the culinary gods, there’s always a great selection of pie makers in metro Detroit.