Bake Like a Pro: Local Baking Classes in Metro Detroit

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | April 1, 2016
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If you’re like me, culinary skills are not your strong suit. Cooking and baking just does not come natural to us. Fortunately, there are avenues to teach us! Even if you are a seasoned baker, there is nothing wrong with taking an advanced class to broaden your knowledge on the subject.

Whether you fall in the beginner, intermediate or advanced category, there is something for all interested parties. Let’s take it one step at a time and focus strictly on baking for today’s article.

BAKE! Zingerman’s

Perhaps one of the most well-known bakeries in the southeast Michigan area is Ann Arbor’s Zingerman’s Bakehouse, so why not learn from the staff there? Several classes are offered, including breads, cakes, cookies, pastries and pizza. Demonstrations are also available to watch and learn from. Check out the calendar for upcoming classes.


Mirepoix is located on the second floor of Holiday Market in Royal Oak. It is constantly offering cooking classes of all kinds: Italian cuisine, French cuisine vegetarian, etc. With that said, baking aspects are often used in each class. In addition, Mirepoix offers baking classes featuring desserts, pastries, cake-decorating and others throughout the year.

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Taste: A Cook’s Place

While the majority of the baking-focused classes take place around the holidays, there is generally at least one class a month at this business. With that said, several of the cooking courses incorporate baking in some way with breads or sweets. Participants learn all the necessary culinary schools at the Village Workshop in Northville.

Where else can you find baking classes? Try the Great Lakes Culinary Center. Additionally, the West Bloomfield location of Crispelli’s offers baking classes for children every third Saturday of the month.

How about that? The knowledge you need to bake like a professional right at your disposal. Be sure to take advantage of these classes.