Boost Your Child’s Knowledge This #STEMSTEAMDay

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | November 8, 2017
In the D placeholder image

Science. Technology. Engineering. Math. Four very important areas of study and areas that schools are always encouraging students to get involved in. There are schools that place a heavy emphasis on STEM and have numerous after-school programs in the metro Detroit area, but there are also a number of ways to get children interested in these areas outside of school.

November 8 is recognized as National STEM Day, in which we raise awareness for STEM programs, so we thought it would be the perfect time to highlight some great STEM programs taking place at local science centers and also highlight some exciting STEM opportunities for adults.

Programs for Kids


The Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program, DAPCEP, is a nonprofit organization that helps kids get interested in educational programming in innovative and fun ways. They offer plenty of programs for grades K-12 that you can find on their website, but their STEM Squad is a great pop-up workshop that can get your kids interested in STEM. The team is comprised of volunteer professionals who work in STEM related fields and can be brought to your school in one of two ways: during school as a one, three hour intensive program, or after school as a three day series of one hour sessions. You can download the brochure and talk your child’s teacher or school about signing up for a STEM Squad program.


STEMpowered Detroit began in the summer of 2014 and continues to be an inspiration for many Detroit Public Schools’ female students. The program includes daily activities including field trips, demonstrations, games, and interactions with women in STEM related fields. You can nominate girls in the fourth or fifth grade here.

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Michigan Science Center

The Michigan Science Center in downtown Detroit is not only a great place to visit for inspiring children to get interested in science, but they have plenty of programs that can spark their interest. Their STEMinista program is designed to help girls become interested in STEM with fun and engaging events like the Science of Sound, Motion and Music Technology Winter Camp.

Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum allows kids to experience science in a hands-on way with fun exhibits, programs, and demonstrations. You can check out the event calendar for detailed descriptions of all their events, but one of their consistent events is the Little Scientist Club. The club regularly meets on Saturday and Tuesday mornings for activities, stories, and more fun science demonstrations.   

Job Opportunities in STEM

A career in a STEM related field can lead to numerous exciting job opportunities, especially in the metro Detroit area. From the auto industry, to manufacturing, to many scientific opportunities, there are plenty of exciting STEM related jobs. The area is also hosting many seminars for women interested in the STEM field, including Mentoring Gap for Women in STEM on November 8, Women of Color in Stem on December 2, and 2nd Biennial Inspiring Young Women in STEM Conference on March 4. These are great opportunities to learn more about STEM related jobs and what a career in STEM can bring you.

Happy #STEMDay metro Detroit! Share your STEM related stories on our social media pages!