Celebrate Earth Day at These Metro Detroit Events

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | April 18, 2018
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While we should celebrate and take care of our planet every day, Earth Day is a great way to take some time and learn what you can do to help the environment. Leading up to the holiday this Sunday, Metro Detroit is celebrating Earth Day all week long with multiple events that will help you and your family discover some new recycling habits along with having some fun. Here are five metro Detroit events to check out to help your family celebrate Earth Day!

MI Earth Day Fest at Rochester Municipal Park (4/20-4/22)
MI Earth Day Fest, one of the biggest Earth Day events in metro Detroit, takes over downtown Rochester this weekend for three days of exhibits, attractions, and family-friendly activities. The goal of the event is to highlight businesses and community organizations that make every day Earth Day, while also entertaining the whole family. The kid’s corner will be full of arts and crafts, a straw bale climb, and more exhibits just for kids. It’s a great way for all-ages to learn what they can do for the environment!

Earth Day Celebration at Royal Oak Farmers Market (4/21)
The Royal Oak Environmental Advisory Board will host their annual Earth Day celebration at the Royal Oak Farmers Market. You can purchase a rain barrel for $60, while other earth-friendly products will be available too. Rain barrels are expected to sell out, so be sure to sign up here. Other kid-friendly activities and events will be on display as well.

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Earth Day Clean-Up at Lake St. Clair (4/21)
You can help clean-up and preserve Lake St. Clair’s natural resources at their annual Earth Day Clean-up on Saturday, April 21. Volunteers will help the Metropark become a cleaner and more environmentally friendly place for families to enjoy during the upcoming summer months. All volunteers will receive a free lunch and you can register here.

Earth Day at the Farmington Hills Nature Center (4/22)
Farmington Hills will host a free Earth Day celebration at their nature center on Saturday, April 22 starting at 12 p.m. The event will include a free concert from Farmington’s School of Rock, free hayrides, a food truck rally, and much more. Be sure to check out the event’s Facebook page to see all of the organizations involved in this year’s event!

Ann Arbor’s Annual Earth Day Festival at the Leslie Science & Nature Center (4/22)
Ann Arborites can enjoy the city’s annual Earth Day Festival for free on the holiday itself at the Leslie Science & Nature Center. The celebration will feature local environmental nonprofits and agencies with live animal demonstrations, hands-on activities, energy topics, water awareness and more. The celebration begins at noon and will run until 4 p.m.