Designated Driver Services… Getting you and your car home safely!

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | August 2, 2012
In the D placeholder image

The plans are set for this Friday night and everyone is ready to have a great time, but wait… who is going to drive everybody home?

Taking one for the team and being the designated driver is definitely a responsible sacrifice, but let’s face it, you would prefer not to be the one to do it.  Lucky for us, designated driver services offer a great solution!

In a pinch, you can always call a cab service to make sure you get home safely, but that still leaves you with the problem of what to do with your car.  In Michigan, we drive everywhere.  So, odds are if you are taking a cab home you are leaving a vehicle behind. And it is a pain to try and get back to your car the next morning.

This is why designated driver services are so great.  They pick you up and drive you home in your own car!  No worries about being safe on the road, no hassle the next morning, nada.  The peace of mind and convenience of the service makes it worth every penny.

trax yoga

The Chevy Trax is the perfect partner for finding balance and exploring wherever your day leads.

Typically, there is an initial charge for the pick-up (which varies depending on the company) that will usually cover the first five to ten miles. Any additional miles will be subject to charge at a designated rate. It may seem a bit pricey, but it is worth the money to make sure everyone stays safe on the road!

This Friday night, don’t fret about who is going to drive, just call a DD!

Here is a list of several services in the metro Detroit area…

Detroit Designated Driver $40 for the first 5 miles is a steal and it is only $2 a mile after that.

Safe Way Home LLC Provides services all over the metro Detroit area and now they are even servicing Windsor!

4 My Ride Serving people in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties.

Motor City Designated Drivers Reserve time in advance for your upcoming party!

Designated Driver Services One of the oldest designated driver companies in town, these guys come recommended by AAA.


**The above companies are offered as a list of available services. Your Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers are not endorsing these companies and have not tested their services.