Halloween Spirit in the D: Psychic Mediums, Tarot Cards & More

By: Toni Cunningham | October 29, 2014
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Over the years, there have been several television shows dedicated to mediums and psychics. The appropriately named “Medium” starring Patricia Arquette, and TLC’s “Long Island Medium” are two such examples. While I enjoyed the former, I will admit that occasionally I feel a little skeptic seeing commercials where Theresa Caputo practices her psychic medium skills.

Whether you’re a firm believer or need to see for yourself before you make a decision, you don’t need to travel all around the globe to get your fortune told or your palm read. Are you aware of how many different psychics and mediums there are in the Metro Detroit area? I, for one, was pleasantly surprised when I began my research. If you’re looking for a psychic medium, fortuneteller, palm reader or tarot cards to conduct your own reading, look no further than the information provided below. What better time to get a reading than a few days before Halloween?

Boston Tea Room, with locations in Ferndale and Wyandotte, offers plenty of services, including a mini reading ($30 for 15 minutes), a standard reading ($45 to $50 for 30 minutes) and intuitive counseling ($90 to $100 for a one hour session). If you just can’t make it in, you can also participate in a phone reading ($45 to $50 for half an hour). Should you and your romantic partner be interested in your future together, you can take advantage of a couples’ reading ($70 to $140, depending on the session length). Let’s hope your reader doesn’t tell you you’re going to break up in a week, ‘eh?

When you book an appointment for each location, you’ll have your choice of reader. Check out the website for further details!

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The Chevy Trax is the perfect partner for finding balance and exploring wherever your day leads.

Psychic Restoration Center, with locations in Rochester Hills and Troy, is led by psychic Ava Aeneas, who assists in all aspects of life, from health to love to finance. Services include palm reading ($30 for the basics), tarot card reading ($40), psychic reading ($50), combination reading ($70, the most detailed of all readings) and phone reading ($100).

Ava has over 20 years of experience, and her skills work even through the phone. Give her a call, or send up to two text messages her way for free and see what wisdom she has to share!

Psychic in the City, better known as Elizabeth Shanaver, is based out of Woodhaven. She is a psychic medium who specializes in communicating with those who have passed. Shanaver’s many psychic services include palm readings, tarot card readings, mediumship readings (meaning communicating with other worldly spirits) and dream analysis.

If you’d like to meet her, head to Rosie O’Grady’s in Southgate on Thursday, Oct. 30 for Devil’s Night at Rosie’s, where you can get a $1 a minute reading.

Tarot and Tea, 8019 Agnes St., Detroit, is a tearoom where Metro Detroiters can relax and reconnect with their spiritual sides. The services here include tarot card readings, astrological readings, medium readings, couples readings, numerology readings and spiritual cleansings.

You can also combine the two (tea and psychic readings) for a tea leaf reading, also known as tasseography, in which tea leaf patterns are interpreted. Should you be moving into a new home or office, consider the dwelling and spiritual cleansing services. Goods like spiritual balancing body mist, bath salts and candle herbs are available for purchase as well.

Earth Lore, 895 Wing St., Plymouth, is a spiritual store offering all of the supplies you could possibly need. Pick up a pack of Doreen Virtue tarot cards and follow this step-by-step guide to performing your own reading. You’ll find everything from spiritual stones to incense and herbs at Earth Lore.

Lorrie the Pet Psychic, who is based out of the Metro Detroit area, is a third generation medium who has been featured on “Oprah”! If your dog is anything like mine, I suppose it would be nice to know what’s going through her mind every once in a while. Lorrie communicates with all animals but specializes in dogs, cats, reptiles, fish, birds and horses.

She is skilled to assist with behavioral problems, health issues and compatibility when it comes to adopting a new pet, as well as finding lost pets. This particular psychic service is probably the one that intrigues me the most. I’d love to know what my little furball is thinking when she steals and chews on my socks!

Additional psychic mediums in the area include Kristy RobinettGail Embery and Laura Moody. You can also utilize this handy resource to find the right psychic for you in Metro Detroit!

Perhaps tarot readings are something you’d really like to get into, and if so, you’re in luck! The Detroit Area Tarot Guild is a club that meets monthly in Ferndale and Wyandotte. The next event, Psychic Tarot, takes place at Ferndale’s Boston Tea Room on Sunday, Nov. 30. In terms of other psychic medium events, mark your calendar for Sunday, Nov. 2, when the Michigan Psychic Fair will take place at the Hampton Inn, 51620 Shelby Parkway, Shelby Twp., from noon to 6 p.m. Get the details here!

While you’re waiting for an appointment with a local psychic medium, take a peek at your weekly horoscope courtesy of the Metro Times to keep yourself in the know. May your future be bright and happy!