Local Michigan Farms Help to Create a Healthier Lifestyle

By: Kate Chidester | January 23, 2013
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My family eats healthy. Well, let me restate… My family eats as healthy as we possibly can. I am not going to deny the fact that my sons or even I may consume an Oreo or two! However, there are a few steadfast food rules that are non-negotiable in our household. One of those rules is that the beef we eat has to be grass fed and free ranging with no antibiotics or growth hormones added.

In our quest for a healthier family lifestyle that is also more eco-friendly, we found many different farms in the Metro Detroit Area that specialize in the humane treatment of livestock. There is a world of difference in the beef that we purchase and beef bought from the store. The texture, taste and even the color is above and beyond anything we used to eat. Plus, we know that there are no harmful antibiotics or hormones in our meat and that the cattle were treated well.

The cost of buying beef this way will vary depending on which farm you choose. However, even with the processing, the cost per pound is not much higher than you would pay for “premium” meat at the store. And although you need to pay for the meat all at once, you can cut down on cost by splitting the order with friends or family. Some farms, such as Laura’s Little Beef Farm, even do custom ground beef or steak orders.

The decision to buy locally farm raised meat is not only a healthier choice, but it supports Michigan farmers as well. These farms have dedicated their resources and energy to raising livestock and produce that is well cared for and much better for the consumer. Michigan farmer Edward Laura told me that, for him, it is all about ethics. “Profit or not, it doesn’t matter. Healthy cattle produce healthy beef. ” And this is what it is all about, raising animals in a way that is better for them, better for the environment and better for us.

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If you are interested in finding a local farm near you that offers beef, lamb or chicken, we have compiled a list of places all within about an hour of Detroit.

A1 Country Girl Beef – Greenwood MI, (810) 387-3729 – Beef

Boughan Farms & Enterprise – Clifford & North Branch, MI (810) 531-6823, bfeorganics@hotmail.com – Beef, sheep, chicken, eggs

Imagine Cattle Company – Belleville MI, (734) 216-4832, imaginecattlecompany@gmail.com – Beef

Laura’s Little Beef Farm – Smiths Creek MI, (810) 355-5073, ktfd45@msn.com – Beef, pork

Northstar Farms – China MI, (810) 326-3964, northstar@aiis.net – Chicken, eggs, pork, beef

Porrett Homestead TLC Farm – Casco MI,  (810) 887-9027, tlcfarm@comcast.net – pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, eggs

You can learn more at www.eatwild.com.