Thanksgiving Planning: 3 Local Turkey Farms

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | November 2, 2016
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Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away, and if you have cooking duties this year, you should probably start (at least thinking about) planning your menu soon. You can go to a local supermarket to get your turkey, but you should consider ordering your turkey from a turkey farm instead. Here are three turkey farms in the metro Detroit area for you to take a look at.

Roperti’s Turkey Farm

Located right off of 5 Mile in Livonia, Roperti’s Turkey Farm has been one of the area’s top turkey farms since opening in 1948. With over 5 acres of uncaged and well-kept land for the turkeys to roam, the birds are raised in an unstressed and healthy environment. You can get a fresh hen for $3.69 per pound or a smoked turkey for $5.59 per pound, but make sure you order your bird well in advance. The farm recommends buying one pound of turkey per person and they can be fresh dressed for you 24 hours before you pick them up.

John Henry’s Farm

John Henry’s Farm has plenty of choices when it comes to Thanksgiving turkeys. Turkeys are $4.49 per pound and you can purchase any size between 10 and 26 pounds. You can also order special fresh turkey breast at $5.95 per pound, a whole smoked turkey (nine to thirteen pounds) at $6.39 per pound, or a smoke turkey breast (five to seven pounds) at $7.29 per pound. There’s other meat options too, which you can see here.

Roeske Farms

If you’re looking for a turkey that doesn’t have that “factory farm” taste, you should consider Roeske Farms in Hartland. Roeske Farms raises their turkeys in a free range environment and are drug and chemical free. Turkeys are between 15 and 30 pounds, guaranteed to feed your big Thanksgiving company. The farm is now taking orders for fresh or frozen turkeys for the Thanksgiving season and frozen turkeys for Christmas.

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