Restaurant of the Year: Takeover Dinner

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | June 29, 2016
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Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers and Detroit Free Press have teamed up for the Top 10 Takeover, a series of restaurant takeovers that will highlight the ten best new restaurants in Detroit and the surrounding area. Last time we looked at La Dulce. Next, the Takeover heads to Midtown Detroit to check out Chartreuse, the 2016 Detroit Free Press/Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers Restaurant of the Year, on July 11.

Chartreuse’s philosophy is that being around happy people makes for happy people. That philosophy echoes throughout everything the coveted, Detroit-based restaurant does, especially in the way it treats its customers and food vendors. See, the menu at Chartreuse is dependent on seasonal availability (and sometimes daily availability). That means they only work with vendors that supply high quality food, so they can turn around and produce high quality meals for you, your friends and your family.

Smoked Skuna Bay salmon with cornbread, pepper jelly and chevre.

Smoked Skuna Bay salmon with cornbread, pepper jelly and chevre.

Because of the aforementioned seasonal availability clause in Chartreuse’s menu, their menu is one that is subject to change. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t get an idea of the kinds of delicious dishes you might be dining on at the Takeover or the next time you find yourself in the neighborhood. Below are some of the menu items served at Chartreuse:

  • Grilled Spanish Octopus with green papaya salad, pepita, cashew

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  • Rabbit Sausage with mulberry mostarda, corn bread

  • Skuna Bay Salmon with phyllo, pickled summer peppers, mustard cream, local herbs

  • Lamb Cassoulet with loin, leg, beans, greens

  • Vanilla Pudding with bourbon cream, basil syrup, rosemary cookie

Chartreuse can be a place that is very hard to find a seat at, and while tickets to the Takeover on July 11 sold out in mere minutes, there is one more way you and a friend can find a seat at this sought-after event. Your Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers are giving away two tickets to the Takeover of Chartreuse to one lucky winner. The contest is currently underway and ends July 6. Click here to enter!