What to Do On a Rainy Day in the D

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | July 19, 2017
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It’s raining. It’s pouring. The old man…well, you know how that one goes. For some, a rainy day is the literal definition of someone “raining on their parade.” For others, it’s the perfect excuse to do something fun indoors. Remember that indoor park you said you’d always visit, or that museum you’ve been meaning to check out? Stop saying and start doing. What else are you going to do when cats and dogs are falling from the sky? Find your next rainy day activity right here in the D.

Meet New People

If you’re going to stay inside anyway, you might as well find a way to have some fun and make new friends, right? Escape rooms are one way to do just that! Get thrown into a room with a few strangers (assuming you didn’t book the room with a full group of friends) and work together to find your way out. You have a few options for escape rooms in metro Detroit, like Escape the Room in Detroit and The Great Escape Room in Royal Oak, but there are many more, as well.

If the idea of being trapped in a room with strangers gives you anxiety, a community board game meet-up at 3 & Up in Plymouth might be just your thing. Just come in, find a game you’d like to play or ask to join others.

Have Fun While Getting Exercise

For some, a rainy day is a perfect excuse to hit the gym. But, why not mix it up for your next workout by rounding up some friends to play laser tag at places like Galaxy Zone in Dearborn or Paradise Park in Novi. Or check out Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit for a chance to experience Michigan’s Great Outdoors…indoors!

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Learn Something New

If you find rainy days to be a great time for a little education, look no further than metro Detroit’s own museums and more. The Detroit Historical Museum is free and open to the public. Learn about Detroit’s history in the auto industry, sports and more. If you prefer biology over history, the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory on Belle Isle might be more your speed. Entry into the conservatory is free and all of the different types of plant life are divided up into separate sections, like the “Cactus House” or the “Palm House.”

Catch a Show

If it’s been raining and the humidity is palpable, sometimes the best solution is to hole yourself up in a theater by catching a movie, play, stand-up piece or some other show. Catch a concert at a cozy venue like The Magic Bag in Ferndale or catch a movie at The Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor.