Celebrate Pride at These Metro Detroit Festivals

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | May 29, 2019
ann arbor pride

Ann Arbor Pride 2018. Photo credit: Andrew Cohen.

June is National Pride Month across the country. It marks the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, where LGBTQ+ individuals made waves across the country through staunch resistance to the discrimination and violence that was being committed against them.

While advancements for the equality of LGBTQ+ individuals has been made in the 50 years since the Stonewall Rebellion, there is still more that needs to be done. That is why events like those happening throughout Pride Month are so important.

Metro Detroiters will be coming out in droves to celebrate this landmark event in history throughout the summer. See where you can experience the fun below!

Ferndale Pride (June 1)

Silverado by lighthouse

Discover new horizons with the confidence of the Chevy Silverado, from busy streets to scenic views.


Photo courtesy of Ferndale Pride.

Kicking off Pride Month, we have Ferndale Pride. This street fair started in 2011 and draws in more than 15,000 attendees each year. The event is free and open to the public and includes musical acts, dancing, vendors, a kids entertainment area and more.

Motor City Pride (June 8-9)

Going into Pride Month’s second weekend, we have the two-day festival known as Motor City Pride. The main event is happening both days in Detroit’s Hart Plaza. There are multiple musical stages, food trucks, drink booths, retail booths, a family area and more. Sunday at noon marks the big parade, which will start at Fort and Griswold St. and culminate at Hart Plaza where the final day’s festivities will go into full swing!


Ann Arbor Pride 2018. Photo credit: Andrew Cohen.

Ann Arbor Pride (August 3-4)

Capping off the summer is Ann Arbor Pride celebrating 25 years. Full details on this two-day event are forthcoming, but last year saw musical performances, face painting, drag queen story time, yoga, an official picnic in Wheeler Park, a poetry slam and more. Stay tuned to their website for updates.

If you’re unable to attend any of the main festival days, keep your eyes and ears peeled for the many pre and post parties happening for each festival.