Local Turkey Farms Provide Quality Choices for the Holiday

By: Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers | November 18, 2013
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With Turkey Day on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking about preparing your feast. In most cases the turkey is the centerpiece for any Thanksgiving spread, and although there is nothing wrong with buying a frozen bird from the supermarket, you may want to explore fresh turkey options.

There are many benefits of buying poultry from a turkey farm. Not only are you assured that you are not putting chemicals or preservatives into your body, but you are pretty much guaranteed to have a much juicier and more flavorful bird. Your taste buds will be thanking you for this decision. Metro Detroit has a few local turkey farms to explore. Let’s dive in.

Roperti’s Turkey Farm, located at 34700 Five Mile Rd. in Livonia, is one of the top choices for Metro Detroiters looking for a fresh turkey. Roperti’s turkeys are fed only natural grains, such as wheat, oats and corn, along with fresh water. The animals are hormone-free and have no preservatives or chemicals in their systems, which allows them to cook faster than regular processed turkeys. On top of that, the turkeys live in a stress-free environment—they are not caged in and are free to roam the five acre farm.

The farm prices toms (males 32 to 40 pounds) and hens (females 18 to 28 pounds) at $3.39 per pound, while smoked turkeys are $4.99 per pound. If you’re looking for ham to go with your Thanksgiving dinner, Roperti’s also offers Dearborn hams at $4.49 a pound. Half spirals are seven to nine pounds while whole spirals range from 11 to 19 pounds. Roperti’s Turkey Farm has been servicing the Metro Detroit area since 1948.

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John Henry’s is out in Millington (Tuscola County, aka, nowhere near Detroit), but not to fear, Metro Detroiters can pick up a fresh turkey from John Henry’s Farm via the Royal Oak Farmer’s Market. Much like Roperti’s Turkey Farm, John Henry’s raises its birds with no hormones or antibiotics and the turkeys are free range and not caged in. Whole turkeys are offered for $4.29 per pound and the turkeys range in size from 10 to 26 pounds. Order as soon as possible, before all turkeys are gone. Pickup for Thanksgiving is on Tuesday, Nov. 26 from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Royal Oak Farmer’s Market.

Roeske Farms, located at 2656 Clark road in Hartland, is another great turkey farm, but unfortunately can only make the list as an honorable mention because they are currently out of turkeys. However, each year the farm has a few “no shows” and it will sell whatever is left on a first come first served basis on Wednesday, Nov. 27 (the day before Thanksgiving). It might be worth the gamble. Definitely keep this farm in mind for next holiday.

Huron Turkey Farm at 18910 Merriman in Romulus is another quality turkey farm around the Metro Detroit area. Turkeys are sold for $3.18 per pound, so you should take advantage of that deal if you are in the neighborhood. I think I might. For additional details, visit their yelp page.

I can promise that you will not be disappointed in your decision to venture out and pick up a fresh turkey. Quality over quantity here, people. Remember to move fast. These birds are hot commodities.