Mom’s Day Out: The Mompreneur Social is this Saturday

By: Amber Ogden | March 10, 2015
In the D placeholder image

Detroit’s Build Institute, formerly known as D:Hive, is known for its classes and workshops that equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary skills for success. The latest effort from Build, in partnership with Club LA by Logan Asher, Whole Foods and Freshly Picked, is the Mompreneur Social.

The first event of its kind in Detroit, the Mompreneur Social will be held on Saturday, March 14 at the Build Institute, 2701 Bagley St., Detroit, and is an opportunity for entrepreneurial women of Metro Detroit (who are also mothers) to get together and network, socialize and have a good time.

Jennifer Matthews of Club LA by Logan Asher is the organizer of the event, not to mention a 2013 graduate of Build’s entrepreneurship course. She and Build decided to team up for this “mom’s day out” event when Build began looking for ways to highlight and work with graduates.

“We are at a time now in Detroit where many people are creating their own paths through business, and we realized that there are many moms who are going into business and need additional support,” Matthews said.

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What initially was a hobby ultimately became a business for Matthews, who began making pants for her son because she disliked all of the clothing options she saw in stores.

Club LA by Logan Asher

(Photo provided by Jennifer Matthews of Club LA by Logan Asher)

“I hand sew everything for Club LA myself, and come up with my own concepts,” Matthews said. “I specialize in cute custom joggers for children. In addition, I recently started making backpacks by hand that I have been using as mom bags, as well.”

The Mompreneur Social, which runs from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, will feature plenty of resources for mom-based businesses to take advantage of. Children are welcome to attend, and there will be plenty of activities to choose from, including mommy yoga, stroller cardio, cooking demonstrations, a Build Institute Entrepreneurship workshop, a Club LA pop-up shop, an arts and scraps workshop and more.

“The ultimate goal is to bring moms together and allow them to bond, network and showcase their goods and services,” Matthews said.

Like in anything that you do, a support system is needed, according to Matthews, and for working mothers, this is no different.

“Moms in business share a common bond, and that bond is the everyday responsibilities of raising a family and a (responsibility) in the business world at the same time,” she said.

The full schedule for the Mompreneur Social is as follows:

  • Mommy Yoga with Kia Essein from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • Stroller Cardio with Kiara Patrice from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • Story Time from 11 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.
  • Build Institute Entrepreneurship workshop from 11:20 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
  • Mommy Cardio with Tanya Sattawhite from 11:20 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
  • Cooking Demonstration with Whole Foods from 11:20 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
  • Closing remarks from 11:55 a.m. to noon

Admission to the Mompreneur Social costs $10 for moms and is free for children. For more information, and to purchase tickets to the Mompreneur Social, visit