From backyard projects to weekend getaways, the Chevy Blazer offers unmatched cargo space and convenience for all your adventures.
Photo Courtesy of 48 Hour Film Project
Everyone loves watching horror movies this time of year, but have you ever thought of making one?
The 48 Hour Film Project is giving you the opportunity to do just that, but with the added pressure of finishing it within 48 hours. The competition returns on Friday, October 11 to give filmmakers the opportunity to show off their terrifying skills.
The rules are similar to the summer competition where teams will be assigned a genre; in this case it will be a sub-genre such as vampire, gothic, serial killer, lovecraftian, and many more. Each team will also have to include a specific line, character, and prop that will be assigned to them on the first day. Filmmakers can then make whatever horror film they want, as long as they hand in their short film on Sunday, October 13 by 7:30 p.m.
This is the second year in a row the 48 Hour Film Project has hosted a horror themed event, and third overall. Jennifer Gentner, producer of the Detroit competition and former competitor, wanted to bring back this themed competition because she felt that there was a demand for it and it allows filmmakers to explore a genre they might not normally explore. From backyard projects to weekend getaways, the Chevy Blazer offers unmatched cargo space and convenience for all your adventures. “I think our teams want this type of challenge to come up with something that is scary in such a short amount of time,” Gentner said. “It’s also more fun with all of the makeup, special effects, and buckets of blood.” Gentner added that many of the teams that have already entered the competition are returning filmmakers from the summer competition. Similar to that competition, the winner will take their film to Filmapalooza in Rotterdam, Netherlands in March 2020. All of the films will be screened at the Main Art Landmark Theatre in Royal Oak on Thursday, October 24 beginning at 7 p.m. There will be two blocks showing all of the films, with the second block beginning at 9 p.m. It is $10 per block of films, or $20 for the whole night. “It’s a great deal to see so many short films in one night and important to support these talented local filmmakers,” Gentner said. You can register your team up until this Friday for $175, and if you have participated in this past summer’s 48 Hour Film Project competition, you can receive a $25 discount. Tickets for the screening on Thursday, October 24 can be purchased online or at the box office. Be sure to check out the 48 Hour Film Project’s website to see previous entries and more announcements about upcoming events.